Better bicycle and pedestrian connections throughout the community are an important part of the Beaverhead Trails Coalition’s vision. Our Connectivity Program projects and planning area are shown on the In-Town Routes and Trails map (click for a full-size Georeferenced .pdf).

The Current Connectivity Program focus is Replacing the Normal Street Bridge on the Southwest side of Dillon

With the support of sponsors and partners (see list below), the Coalition has recently finished connection of the Noble Avenue Trail-Skihi Street-Beaver Pride Trail segment on the Northwest side of Dillon.

BTC has alos created and improved other walking and biking trails, installed bike racks downtown, and developed public parks (orange call outs on the map). 

In 2015, BTC constructed the Pigtail Trail, a 600-foot gravel connector-trail and 60 ft. bridge connecting the existing YMCA trails to West Jefferson Street and ultimately the High Trails area.  Noble Avenue Trail construction began in 2019 and the entire 2,493-foot trail bed was opened to the public in 2022 with some final work pending as funding is acquired.

Connectivity also was improved with the installation in 2018 and 2019 of 30 bike racks in downtown Dillon.  Selway Park improvements and trails were completed in cooperation with the MDT and MFWP in 2018. BTC completed some improvements in and facilitated the transfer of Cornell Park from private ownership to MFWP in 2022.

Connectivity Program projects have been made possible by generous grants and donations from the Montana FWP, LOR Foundation, Union Pacific Foundation, United Way of Beaverhead County, Kendeda Fund, Dillon Rotary Club, Steele-Reese Foundation, Patagonia, individual contributions; and the in-kind contributions from R.E. Miller, Pivot Plus, the Dillon Tree Board and volunteers;

Support from the City of Dillon, Beaverhead County, MDOT, UMW, YMCA, Barrett Hospital has been critical to the success of the Connectivity projects as well.

Get Involved

If you have ideas about improving connectivity in our community or would like to be involved in this process please contact us and/or donate to help the effort move forward.
