Happy Thanksgiving!

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2019 was a fantastic year:

  • BTC is 10 years old - and not one wrinkle yet!

  • We have 110 members!!! Our team is stronger than ever this year, thank you to all our members!

  • Our High Trails land acquisition is complete! You can now enjoy more 1,100 acres of public access on BTC's land with already 10 miles of trails and more to come! In 2020, we hope to develop new ones, start retrofitting some fences to make them wildlife-friendly, and more!

  • Phase 1 of the new trail along Noble Avenue allows safer walking from Highway 41 south. Phases 2 and 3 coming next year.

  • More downtown bike racks to accommodate bicyclists, and hopefully, help with the parking spaces downtown.

  • Walking School Bus is changing leadership. Thank you to Jamie Flynn and Shannon McWilliams for their dedication to the program over the last few years, and to our WSB volunteers for allowing the kiddos to walk to school 3 days/week!

  • So many fun events: Winter Family Fun Day, Earth Day, Spring Wildflowers Walk, Pronghorn Pursuit Trail Run, land acquisition celebration and trail dedication, Zombie Chase, Rural Homecoming, and Halloween Party at the Keltz Arena

And all of this is thanks to all of YOU! So Thank you, Dillon Community, our members, our sponsors, our grantors, our supporters, and have a beautiful Holidays Season!

Don't forget to come to celebrate with us on Dec 6th at Dillon Tap House.


BTC Team