Help us secure funding to acquire the last piece of the High Trails Project!

Beaverhead Trails Coalition has applied for a final grant with the Montana Fish & Wildlife Conservation Trust to help purchase the last 127 acres of the hills surrounding the “M” for a public park.  We’ve now purchased 981 acres and this final acreage is the last phase of our buy/sell agreement.  This new purchase will add additional acreage to the west, eventually with a new and easier trailhead.  The cost is $70,000.

We presented our grant application in Helena in May and now there is a comment period, open only until June 10th, for people to write in support of our project.  Please take a minute to email a quick comment and help us secure this needed grant.

Please send an email to Deb Lane, Coordinator at

You can copy us at

We also need your support for the High Trails System in another way.  

While we are extremely grateful for the $20,000 for which we have been recommended, we were hoping for twice that much toward the $70,000 cost.  The competition was tough.  So we’re hoping that people will step up and help out by joining our Sponsor an Acre Program. The cost to sponsor an acre is $550, our purchase price.  It’s a bargain.  A lifetime of walking, running, hiking and bicycling for $550. You can even choose a specific acre to sponsor, from those available.  Split the cost with a friend, if you’d like.  See our web site at for more information.  Be one of the first 100 to help buy these hills and return them to the public domain.  

Remember….the deadline for comments is June 10th.  Every comment helps, so please take the time to support additional acreage for Dillon’s newest public park.  And the Buy/Sell Agreement is due to expire in August, so please consider sponsoring an acre, so we can finalize the purchase of this last piece of land.

Our Sincere Thanks!  Support your trails!