Recent work days at the High Trails

This summer has been successful so far for trails maintenance!

  • 14 volunteers on July 11th, 2020 to work on Grand Canyon Trail

  • 13 volunteers on June 27th, 2020 to work on the Cliff Trail

  • Plenty of volunteers pulling weeds as a “social distancing volunteering” weekends, or during the work days. We pulled or sprayed Dalmatian Toadflax, Henbane, Houndstongue, and Mullein. Thank you to the BLM and County for their help!

  • The DNRC crew built the NW Passage in June/July.

  • The Youth Challenge helped retrieve chicken-wire fencing from our wildlife-friendly fencing project

Thank you to all the volunteers helping out this year, despite the difficult situation since the beginning of the year!